Roger G3SXW g3sxw at btinternet.com
Tue Feb 22 08:43:50 PST 2011

CQ World-Wide contest has 32 categories: out of some 13,000 logs one third are awarded a certificate. RSGB's IOTA contest is famed for it's extensive categories: island/non-island; single/multi operator; single/mixed mode; three power levels; 24/12 operating hours; expedition/non-expedition; WPX contest has 40 categories, including 'Tribander/Single Element', and 'Rookie'.

None of these major contests has a category for 'Operating in a valley with an indoor mobile whip'. Surely winning encompasses the aspiration to build a station over time - it's not just operating skills. The only 'new blood' to be put off are those who expect to win at their first try: instant-gratification!
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chris Rolinson G7DDN 
  To: uk-contest at contesting.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 3:01 PM

  "Why on earth does any private individual operating from a suburban location enter contests and compete against SO entries from commercially supported club stations?"

  Gordon makes a fair point, and though he may have made it in an arguably contentious manner, it still is a valid point and he is entitled to his opinion.

  My opinion? If there are enough sections in a given contest to allow LIKE stations to compete against like, then one is only competing in one's own category and one has at least some chance in that given category. If one then finishes near the bottom, at least it is against stations of similar means.

  I maintain that more categories/sections in contests would be of help, especially to "casual" or home-based (and often therefore restricted contesters), otherwise, as I have intimated before, there will be plenty of new blood put off early in their contesting careers...

  Regards es 73

  Chris Rolinson G7DDN
  g7ddn at g7ddn.com

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