Chris Rolinson G7DDN g7ddn at g7ddn.com
Tue Feb 22 11:13:33 PST 2011

"None of these major contests has a category for 'Operating in a valley with an indoor mobile whip'. Surely winning encompasses the aspiration to build a station over time - it's not just operating skills. The only 'new blood' to be put off are those who expect to win at their first try: instant-gratification!"

Roger, many of us, myself included, admire you as a shining example of a good operator and a highly dedicated amateur. However, the comments you make above do not do you justice.

I am constantly amazed by some attitudes in this group.  No-one has suggested a category such as outlined above, and it is plainly absurd, as I imagine you meant it to be!  

However, categories for 100W to a vertical or single element/wire antenna would be INCLUSIVE in that they give the AVERAGE ham in an AVERAGE location with AVERAGE amounts of cash set aside for the hobby, the ability to be able to compete with his or her fellow AVERAGE amateurs.  What is the objection to that? 

Not everyone can afford to move house just to be in a better contest location. Not everyone can have or even wants a kilowatt linear. Not everyone wants to stop up for 48 hours contesting. But, as is often said on this group, people often just want to have fun. For the life of me I cannot see the issue with competing against one's fellow hams on a reasonable level.

Furthermore, we all aspire to "build a station over time" but not everyone can (or ever will be able to) afford a tower with 3/5 element beams or get planning permission to do so. Not everyone can live on a farm with acres of land for foursquares and beverages.  Should they be disenfranchised in every contest?  Is it not beyond the wit of the Contest Committee to give the AVERAGE Ham an AVERAGE category in most contests?

I get quite upset about the comment about "new blood".  That rather disses everyone new who tries a contest as wanting instant gratification.  There are plenty of hams in my experience who have tried a contest in good faith, only to be put off by the bullying attitude and tactics of those with big antennae, big power and even bigger egos, rather than being concerned about the chance of winning a certificate!  I also doubt very much anyone is trying to win on their first attempt. Further still I doubt whether an AVERAGE ham would expect to win anything until he gained experience.  I certainly didn't expect to when I first started.  

I thought we were gentlemen in a gentlemen's hobby...

Regards es 73

Chris Rolinson G7DDN
g7ddn at g7ddn.com

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