[UK-CONTEST] Guest Operating

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 24 02:12:54 PST 2011

Returning to the original subject as per subject line.

I often invite local club members to operate my station.  Not 
necessarily for a specific contest even casual DXing. I have had 1 taker 
in the last two years.  I would like others in the local club to 
understand what a reasonable station well operated can achieve. My hope 
being that this would increase their aspirations for their own station 
and improve in the long term the local contester ability and capability.

I suspect but do not know that there is a degree of fear of being unable 
to cope with my kit or being seen to be an inadequate operator. Ideas on 
how to over come this obvious reluctance would be most welcome.

David G3YYD

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