[UK-CONTEST] Guest Operating
gw0gei at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 25 14:11:27 PST 2011
Snap again!
I built up a small contest station on Anglesey between 92 and 2009, including a
new outside newbuild contest shack with its own toilet and kitchen. Only one or
two of the local club members ever took up the offer to operate for contests or
dxing, and they were the ones that usually helped out with operating multi
single or multi two. A monobander for 20m and 10m plus mult yagi and low band
antennas over 6 acres, plus ft1000 and gs35 amp did not tempt them.
All credit to Paul, Don and Bob m6t for hosting new ops and qth challenged older
ops - its the way to go if we want to encourage contesting in uk. I know I
greatly benefited from living 10 miles away from gm3woj in northern GM in the
late 80s and early 90s, learning more about 10m contesting, 6m dxing and multi
multi contesting.
Having moved job and qth in 2009 to an edge of town house with neighbours you
would think that I would really miss my old contest station - but on the
contrary, I am enjoying the new challenge of being back to basics with low
wires, verticals and 100w max from a mid range radio (IC7400) - less time for
radio due to new job commitments is offset by less time spent maintaining
towers, big yagis etc = more time to listen to the radio and learn the
differences of operating from a bottom of a river valley qth in west Wales!
If I get bored with low power dxing on 10m, 6m and 160m I can always travel and
operate from one of the larger host contest stations to get my fix of high run
rates and big antennas as I am sure that for every big contest there is a group
somewhere in the uk that could do with an extra pair of experienced ears.
happy contesting
Steve GW0GEI
From: Andy P Hewitt <andyphewitt at btopenworld.com>
To: David G3YYD <g3yyd at btinternet.com>; UK-Contest at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, 24 February, 2011 10:41:43
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Guest Operating
Are all clubs the same? I can only say SNAP!
I have also been offering access to my station to other members of my club.
I had all of two takers in a couple of years. Last year I became more
explicit, they could operate using their own call signs, the club call or
mine - so long as their class of licence permits it. Result zero.
What can you do?
Horses and troughs come to mind.
Andy G3SVD
-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of David G3YYD
Sent: 24 February 2011 10:13
To: UK-Contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Guest Operating
Returning to the original subject as per subject line.
I often invite local club members to operate my station. Not
necessarily for a specific contest even casual DXing. I have had 1 taker
in the last two years. I would like others in the local club to
understand what a reasonable station well operated can achieve. My hope
being that this would increase their aspirations for their own station
and improve in the long term the local contester ability and capability.
I suspect but do not know that there is a degree of fear of being unable
to cope with my kit or being seen to be an inadequate operator. Ideas on
how to over come this obvious reluctance would be most welcome.
David G3YYD
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