[UK-CONTEST] 144MHz UKAC last night

Roger Thawley roger.thawley at sky.com
Wed Jan 5 05:00:57 PST 2011

Storming evening for us last night. Some really strong signals from the
south and a monster signal from IO52, some 440Km to the west. Unusually, the
contact rate with JO01/02 was down on usual.


First outing for the "Rogers' Contest Group" club call-sign - M0GVG, which
takes the place of individual call-signs M0GVG and G0BSU.


Unfortunately, the latest version of Minos seems to have a bug, which causes
it to fail to log the date and time for any contacts occurring within the
same minute as a previous contact - some fiddling around with the log
required to fix all of this and upload the results again. Must check the
Minos site today to see if this has been fixed!


Will watch comments about this years contest rules with interest. In the
end, I'm all in favour of mixing things up from time to time, so that
'advantage', perceived or real, moves around. Here's a though - how about,
next year, contacts with GM/GI/GU/GD/GJ become a double or even a triple
multiplier? Where's my wooden spoon :-)


I'm all in favour of the QRP section as well; there's at least one local
station who runs an un-amplified FT817 and portable beam, from a hilltop in
these parts, who does really well - go for it Tom!


Anyway, happy contesting all.


Roger, G0BSU

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