Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Jan 12 02:48:07 PST 2011

The one thing that distinguishes CW from all other
data modes is that it can be decoded by ear.  When
you do it any other way, CW becomes "just another
data mode" (K1TTT).

I don't know Russian, and therefore I can not have
a conversation in Russian.  Of course, using
translators (whether machine or human), I can
converse with people who are speaking Russian -
but that's somewhat different.

In the same way, anyone who does not know CW
can not have a CW QSO. Of course, using decoders,
they can have a QSO with CW operators, but that's
somewhat different.

To CW decoder users, why not throw away the
stabilisers and learn to ride the bike properly?

Yes, I know stabilisers may (and it's arguable)
encourage kids to learn to ride a bike, but
don't they sometimes teach bad habits - like
leaning the wrong way on bends?  :-)

Paul EI5DI

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