[UK-CONTEST] Ending time

Roger Cooke g3ldi at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 22 11:17:11 PST 2011

Hi Y'all.

  Seeing the new announcements from the contest committee prompted me to ask 
about this.
We were having a discussion about "time" at our local Club contest workshop. I 
always check
my time ten minutes before a contest and update the computer clock, as should 
everybody I
guess. There really is NO excuse for rubber-clocking. On this subject, the start 
time is pretty
obvious, 20.00.00 on the dot ( if you can find a frequency at that time among 
all those who set
up camp at lunch time!).  However, the finish time is a grey area. I have always 
been under the
impression that if I called CQ at 21.29.50 and somebody answered me at 21.29.53, 
then I was 

allowed to finish that QSO, even though it would take me OVER the finish time.

  Could a committee member please be more specific on this point, because 
somebody at our
meeting said that the QSO would go into the log as 21.30 and therefore would not 
be counted.


Regards from Roger, G3LDI
Swardeston, Norfolk.


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