[UK-CONTEST] Ending time

Regwoolley at aol.com Regwoolley at aol.com
Sun Jan 23 01:09:34 PST 2011

Due to the digital decoding used in most modern forms of broadcasting. I.e. 
 Freeveiw Sky Digital ETC. The accuracy of the clocks cannot be counted 
upon!  However I always apply to rule that if I start a QSO before the elapsed 
time,  then I finish and log it. It is not appropriate  to start a qso 5 sec 
 passed the end time. I do feel its OK to finish a qso you started 15 sec 
before  the end time that has run over due to QSB or missed information. 
On another note I guess with SDR it will be easy to monitor stations and  
see the pattern of QSO's they make. Thus you can see if a station is Using  
Skimmer etc. 
In a message dated 23/01/2011 08:21:08 GMT Standard Time, pokane at ei5di.com  

On  23/01/2011 00:17, Michael Ruttenberg wrote:

> What leeway is there  given that not everyone has identically synched 

There are a  couple of "right-time" options available
to most of us, even without an  internet connection.
For example, teletext/satellite TV, and radio  time
signals throughout the HF bands.

Contests are like exams.   You don't open your paper
before the start time, and you put down your pen  at
the end time.

Paul  EI5DI

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