[UK-CONTEST] Good Keyboards

Frank frank at knockycoid.demon.co.uk
Tue Jan 25 04:03:29 PST 2011

Can anyone recommend a type/brand/make of keyboard for PCs which has a good tactile key action.  I taught myself to touch-type some years ago but nowadays I get very frustrated when typing a document or email, to find a number of errors.  Most errors are missing characters due to insufficient key depression on my part, but sometimes repeated characters where I have overcompensated in key depression.  This  is irritating in normal use like typing an email but becomes very frustrating, and embarrassing, during a contest, when my response to another station is erroneous.
I spent many years in the IT industry in the days just leading up to the advent of the IBM PC.  Most keyboards in use then were associated with golf ball typewriters and VDUs.  Many were very good.  The keyboards produced by IBM in particular were extremely well designed from the point of view of the feel to an operator's fingers and were intended to encourage fast accurate keying.  At a rally/car-boot sale last year I bought several different PC keyboards with which to experiment but they all were equally bad.  The last PC keyboard I possessed which had anything like a good feel to it was the one supplied with the old IBM AT PC.

Frank GM3JKS

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