Bernie McIntosh gm4wzg at kars.org.uk
Tue Jul 19 08:56:34 PDT 2011

Good, sensible arguments  for doing something in a particular way do not  
reach a sell by date.

Some good points have been made about the fact that when a QSO is busted  
there is no penalty applied in RSGB contests other than just the loss of  
that QSO.

For as long as this is the case then as far as I´m concerned this is fine.  
Both parties have an interest in doing everything in their power to ensure  
good communication takes place and the contact is valid.

C´mon guys, if the other stn makes a mess of either the QSO or their log -  
tough !  I don't exactly know how much time adjudicators spend  slaving  
away to make sure our contests can take place but I'm sure they don't need  
more work to do.


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