[UK-CONTEST] Dropping PSK from CC's

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Sun Jul 24 12:20:48 PDT 2011

No other CC contest uses two modes in the same contest evening. So why 
should CC data have 2 modes? Of course could move CW and SSB into the 
same evening contest for CC and score it in the same way as currently 
done for CC data. If the RSGC CC ran with that the comments would not be 
pretty. CC data should be RTTY only to make it the same as the other CC 
contest. PSK is poor for contesting compared to 45.45 baud RTTY. Peter 
Martinez, G3PLX, designed it as a chat mode not a contest mode.

73 David G3YYD

On 24/07/2011 17:07, Phil Cooper wrote:
> Hi all,
> At last! Someone with some sense makes a good suggestion! Thanks Nigel!
> PSK was never designed to be a contesting mode, and in fact I believe that
> using anything more than 5 to 10 watts with PSK is pretty much
> counter-productive, especially for G to G contacts.
> PSK63 is no better either, as it requires double the power and takes up
> twice the bandwidth for the same result.
> Also, being that much faster, one needs that extra bit of time to tune in a
> signal, and it is common to miss or get garbled exchanges, requiring
> repeats.
> I'm also not in favour of 75Bd RTTY either, as that too results in loads of
> repeats, with the result that the rate is often slower than with
> conventional 45Bd RTTY.
> Having said all that, I have dropped out of the CC's mainly because of the
> way club status is governed. In my opinion, it should be limited to local
> clubs ONLY.
> Just my thoughts, but someone please take note of the sense from Nigel and
> drop PSK.
> 73 de Phil GU0SUP
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