Ken Eastty ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 1 14:20:23 PDT 2011

The following objection has been sent to the HF CC via Quin:

The members of the G5BK/P NFD team, wish to register a formal and strong 
objection to the decision decision to permit the use of RBN and skimmers 
in the restricted section of HF NFD for the following reasons:

1.  The very short notice given for, as we see it, the change to the 
rules.  This gives groups not already prepared to use such technology 
(and we believe there will be many) very little time to benefit from the 
change.  This, we argue, is unfair.

2.   The means by which the change was promulgated.  We believe that not 
all groups monitor the contest reflector, so there will be some who will 
not have heard about the change.  Again, unfair.

3.    The change does not fit with the "no second (stand-alone) 
receiver" rule in the Restricted Section.  If we can now use RBN and 
skimmer, why not a second receiver for the latter provides, in general 
terms, much the same function as the former.  A totally inconsistent 
decision, we argue.

Just to make it clear, we are not against change.  For instance, we 
would welcome the ability to be able to have a second receiver available 
so that we could involve more club members in the event, and especially 
so that we could introduce more club members to the attractions of the 
event. Neither are we against the changes that new technology bring. But 
we do strongly believe that such changes must be introduced in a 
considered, timely, consistent manner and promulgated well ahead of the 
event so that groups can properly benefit from the changes.

Derek G3NKS
Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association

Forwarded by G3LVP

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