G4FNL g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk
Sun Jun 12 12:10:10 PDT 2011

John et al

I've been canvassing opinion with my NFD colleagues and FWIW, we agree with
all your suggestions. I would further suggest that if the rules are to be
revisited, then the daft rule that allows those with a dual receive
transceiver to operate big knob/little knob style should either be replaced
with a single transceiver (or a separate transmitter /receiver) or by having
two transceivers but with a TX lockout.  Let's keep the skill element as the
prime competitive advantage. 

I plan to send a separate note to the NFD Adjudicator (Quin) too - to make
these suggestions in case he's not monitoring the reflector at the moment

73 Graham G4FNL

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of John Warburton G4IRN
Sent: 11 June 2011 17:39
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Cluster, Skimmer, RBN etc. in NFD

It's not often I post on here but thought it worthwhile to voice the 
opinions of our NFD contest team, the radio Ga Ga CG.

Having consulted with my colleagues in the team, David/G4ERW and 
Tony/G0OPB, our opinion is that Internet, cluster, RBN etc. should not 
be allowed in NFD, certainly not in the Restricted section as it stands. 
They call for little judgement and simply de-skill the operator role.  A 
_local_ skimmer connection is perhaps a different matter and is akin to 
another radio/operator, so there is possibly scope for allowing this in 
the open section or a new 'Assisted Restricted' category, not dissimilar 
to what the Germans do for their FD.

On the whole I think we would rather stick to the traditions of the 
operator doing all the work. There's plenty of other contests where 
cluster, RBN, skimmer etc can be used but with relatively so few 
participants, NFD should stick to basics.

John G4IRN.

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