Andrew ac6wi at comcast.net
Mon Jun 13 15:25:24 PDT 2011

On 13/06/11 15:43, Paul O'Kane wrote:
> On 13/06/2011 20:27, Stewart GM4AFF wrote:
>>> In extreme mountaineering, you take a helicopter to the top.
>> What utter nonsense. That's just flying.
> OK, let's make it easier.  If you use a
> helicopter to take you half way up (the
> first half), have you still climbed the
> mountain?  Or is that half utter nonsense?

<devils advocate>

That doesn't really clarify the situation.... where do you define the 
bottom of the mountain so you know if you've started half way up?  At 
the lowest level locally (and how do you define locally?), at sea level, 
at the lowest point on the sea bed?  Eg, Mauna Kea in Hawaii has 
13,796ft above sea level but has >19,000ft below sea level so it is 
taller than Mount Everest.

Do you expect people to dive down to 19,000ft and walk the sea bed up to 
sea level then continue up the mountain above ground just to say they 
climbed Mauna Kea?  If they start at sea level and reach the top, they 
started more than half way up the mountain.  Would you disagree that 
they climbed Mauna Kea if they started at sea level?

</devils advocate>

Vy 73,

Andrew AC6WI / GI0NWG

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