[UK-CONTEST] Planning Traumas in Lincolnshire - one step forwards, two steps backwards

David Honey david at honeyfamily.org.uk
Sun Jun 26 04:25:10 PDT 2011

On 2011-06-26 12:09, Nick Totterdell wrote
> As a result of this one single isolated case of breakthrough the council then voted to allow me to continue for a trial period of one year. So I am now no further forward.

My sympathies Nick. As I'm sure you already know, EMC issues are not 
relevant to planning. I'm surprised the planners even brought the 
subject up since it is outside of their remit. I think you have a strong 
case on that point alone in your appeal. Such an appeal will impose a 
cost to the council. If you win, the only saving grace is that perhaps 
they will think more clearly about spurious reasons for denial or silly 
conditions for future applications.

When I applied for planning permission for my tower and antennas, many 
of my neighbours objected. One even commented that it might be visible 
from a public footpath 1/4 mile away. However, another Amateur in a 
nearby village had already got consent on appeal even though this was 
within a conservation area. I let my planning officer know about this 
and that I would appeal if permission was denied. That planning 
precedent undountedly helped my application. In the end, planning was 
granted under delegated powers and it wasn't too contraversial. All of 
neighbours I have spoken to since their objections then have remarked 
that they can't really see it and we have remained on friendly terms.

Keep up the fight and good luck with your appeal.
David M0DHO

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