Chris G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 3 10:17:20 PST 2011

Dave, with respect I think it is your numbers that don't make sense. The figure you quote for CQWW CW is participants who submitted a log. That is 
different to people taking part.. Many people take part but don't submit a log as in any contest.

Chris G3SJJ

On 03/03/2011 17:12, Dave Sergeant wrote:
> I wasn't going to comment further on this thread, but statements like
> make me boil.
> Your numbers don't make sense. In CQWW CW 2009 there were 6,000
> entrants. Assume that around 25% of those were serious entrants, 1,500,
> with quite a few of them multi-multi on all bands simultaneously and
> mainly running. That makes no more than 1,000 active on any band at any
> time. Take the casual operators and those not even more casual who just
> come on for a short time, and I would venture for most bands at any
> particular location there are only 500 or so stations with large-ish
> signals.
> Apart from 160m and 40m (which started this thread) there is never any
> need for SSB to operate below bandplan limits or for CW to go much
> higher than 14120 say. There does need to be hard limits in the rules
> for say not below 7025 on SSB or RTTY, but 'variable bandplans' have
> already been discussed at IARU and thrown out and unrealistic - how do
> you define how 'major' a contest has to be to qualify and how do you
> pre-notify the non contest community. Won't work, full stop.
> I do contests myself as you know, and enjoy many of them. It is good
> that it generates activity on the bands, which sadly most of the time
> are very quiet (a sign that many stations come on ONLY in contests,
> another criticism I hear). But I have little interest in many of the
> lesser contests that spring up sometimes unannounced when all I want to
> do is to find a few new DX slots and find I can only work Ukraine in
> that particular contest - so all the DX has also given up for the
> afternoon.
> Like it or not, there is not the interest in contests outside this
> reflector that some suggest. I have been trying to get more of our
> members active in CC and like, but it is an uphill struggle, many are
> just not interested. There is certainly a large section of our amateur
> community averse to them and they simply don't accept being told the
> sort of arguments put forward here. We need to accept both sides of the
> argument.
> 73 Dave G3YMC
> On 3 Mar 2011 at 14:00, ANDY COOK wrote:
>> However - and this is the big BUT - these segments MUST be sized
>> appropriately to the relative activity levels between the contest and
>> 'peace-time' weekend conditions. Fair and equal access should mean just
>> that - if there are 40000 people taking part in a major international
>> contest - equating to say 5000 people simultaneously active on the band,
>> then they should be allocated spectrum in accordance with the ratio of
>> that to 'peace-time' operators. I don't know exactly what that ratio
>> would be (but I bet technologies like Skimmer&  RBN could tell us for CW
>> at least if the restriction on only reporting CQ-ing stations was taken
>> off) - but I'd take a wager that it's between a factor of 10 and 100 for
>> most significant contests, and way towards the top end of this for the
>> big ones.
> http://www.davesergeant.com
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