David Cree daveg3tbk at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 3 11:26:27 PST 2011

Callum seems to have trouble with decimal places.
There were 6065 entrants in CQWW SSB last year.

I fully appreciate many stations participate but do not submit a log - 
but the total participants is still a tiny percentage of the World's 
Amateurs. The number of entrants from UK is but 1% of our licensed 
Amateurs - who are we to say the other 99% are not to be considered - 
and in my view that doesn't mean telling them to QSY to another Band.

I just hope that many "average", seldom-contesting, operators have not 
been reading the recent arrogant comments on this Reflector.

Contesters should realise we are not Gods, and don't have a Divine right 
to trample over anybody else on the Bands, although some seem to think 
that is the case.

Suggestions that Contesters can and do ignore band plans, especially 
where they are associated with power limitations as on 160m, will only 
bring our branch of the Hobby into further disrepute.

RSGB and FOC have been promoting a "DX Code of Conduct". I trust 
Contesters will also attempt to follow it.

Finally Chris drew an analogy to Football - don't forget that even in 
Amateur Football players are frequently fined, suspended and even banned 
for Rule infringements -which includes bringing the game into disrepute.

Now I've had my rant I will continue with preparations for ARRL SSB this 
weekend - out to better last year's World 5th in Low Power section - 
hopefully without antagonising anyone.

Good luck to all those entering from UK. I hope 10m will be as wide open 
as it was in the CW weekend - 1001 QSO's from here.

Please remember that what is written on here can be read by anyone, not 
just we Contesters.

Dave J88DR (G3TBK)

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