[UK-CONTEST] [OT] Planning Application G4EHT

Dez Watson g3ww.dez at virgin.net
Sun Mar 27 12:33:36 PDT 2011


Last year, my father, Bill (G4EHT) had a complaint from one 
neighbour about his butternut vertical which had been it 
situ for several years. The local council threatened 
enforcement action and dad took his butternut down. He later 
submitted a planning application which I'm delighted to say 
was passed.

Dad has now submitted an application for a rather modest 
7.6m wall-mounted Tennamast to support a small VHF beam.

I know Bill would be most appreciative of any supporting 
comments from the contesting community.

His application Ref. number is: 11/00269/FUL

The applicants address is: 7 Darwin Close, Lichfield, WS13 7ET

URL as follows:


Many thanks, 73

Dez, G3WW

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