[UK-CONTEST] Fibreglass Mast 4 39 pence

ALEX LISTER alexcom22 at btopenworld.com
Mon May 2 13:43:55 PDT 2011

Great idea Steve.
My allotment society sells huge 4-5 metre strong  canes  @ 39 Pence each
Buyer collects !

How do u join them inside the outer tube ?
I suppose I could use runner beans !

From: Steve Thompson <g8gsq72 at gmail.com>
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Monday, 2 May, 2011 13:03:46
Subject: [UK-CONTEST]  Fibreglass Mast

For smaller diameters/very lightweight poles, a few bamboo canes 
up the centre can help prevent snapping.


> Getting Jubilee clips tight enough without over-stressing the tube
> or providing a sharp corner/stress point to encourage snapping under
> stress is very difficult. Good luck in the contest tonight.
> 73
> Andy, M1EBV
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