[UK-CONTEST] CW on V/UHF contests

cris at gm4fam.plus.com cris at gm4fam.plus.com
Wed May 25 06:45:23 PDT 2011

Hi Alex

I just cannot find a correlation here between lack of cw and the
introduction of Class B - in fact I have worked many stations who would
have been considered Class B (ie G6xxx, G8xxx etc) on CW!

Sorry to say that most of the calls heard on ssb exclusively are
individual G3, G4 and M0s - (note, am exluding Club calls here).

So, I remain perplexed why some just high scorers just don't use the mode
(bit like asking a footballer to score a goal if he can only use half of
the field).

73 Cris

> Chris John etc
> Of course one of the reasons could always be the fact that some people are
> only old class "B" licencess who never learned CW in the 1st place !
> I do have a dabble @ home on HF (80M) By cheating and using the PC and
> contributing a very small score for a contest group.
> Many of the class "A" licencess I know don,t mind a bit of CW on occasion,
> But perhaps prefer NOT in a contest situation.
> So if I get out in Sept Trophy and I am the op you might struggle if u
> send CW..
> Perhaps I should take the PC interface with me ?
> I have noticed that some of the older CW chaps get a bit touchy if u try
> and rise them out of thier slumber for a bit of CW ,
> Particurly @ early morning Tropo time !
> 73 Alex
> Gee ATE Eff CQ
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