Rob Harrison robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk
Thu May 26 09:41:50 PDT 2011


In the shorter UKAC contests there's usually enough contacts to stay with 
SSB for the duration, however when the going gets tough CW is used quite 
often specially at 432 and above. In the 24 hour pan-euro events it's more 
likely specially during the "dark" hours between midnight and dawn.

The class "B" license undoubtedly has lead to the lack of  daily use of CW, 
as we didn't have to learn it to get on the air. Personally I regret that 
because I realise the DX potential of CW on VHF/UHF over SSB. In aurora it's 
now virtually all on CW, whereas there were some SSB a few years ago.

Not too late to learn, my receiving is getting better, just the sending to 
cope with. Now I'm retired there's no excuse I suppose. :0)



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex GM3ZBE" <alex at gm3zbe.plus.com>
To: "UK-Contest" <UK-Contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 9:30 AM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] 50MHz AC and CW

> Hi
> Is there no one using CW in this contest these days?  I spent a long
> time on and around 090 calling CQ but no takers at all. (thought it
> might be a nice idea to reward those who made the effort!)
> Many SSB stations on, but once again they seem awful deaf down south!
> Stations which are a genuine 57 on the Meter here can't copy.
> Running full power here from a site 600 ft up with a clear take off over
> the sea.
> 73
> Alex
> -- 
> 73 Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~ Kingdom of Fife ~~~ IO86lf ~~~
> Member of:
> De Montfort University ARS, GMDX Group, CDXC, RSGB
> A founder member Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
> Holder of GM4BRN club call http://www.kars.org.uk/
> Previous callsigns GM8BYG, G3ZBE
> Remember..............It's only a hobby!
> When the going get's tough..........take a nap!!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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