Steve White g3zvw at talktalk.net
Fri May 27 05:54:37 PDT 2011

If you have taken any interesting contesting photos in the past 12 months 
(stations, antenna farms, operators, etc), it may be possible for me to use 
them to illustrate the contesting pages of the 2012 RSGB Yearbook. Please 
e-mail them to me, along with a caption for each. Where appropriate, a 
caption should include the name(s) and callsign(s) of those in the picture, 
the full name of a club (i.e. no initialisms), the location, antenna types, 
contest name, etc. If you'd like a photo credit, include the name/callsign 
of the photographer as well.

Please do not send references to web sites on which there are photos or 
downgraded photos of a few kilobytes, as I can only use originals.


Steve White, G3ZVW
Editor, RSGB Yearbook 

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