[UK-CONTEST] Fw: CW in V/UHF contests and spam filter

Chris G3SVL Chris at G3SVL.com
Sat May 28 00:53:20 PDT 2011

What is the > estimated > 'gain' of a CW signal over a SSB signal ? 10dB 20db ?
 > Robert F5VHN G0HGW

At 08:25 28/05/2011, cris at gm4fam.plus.com wrote:
>That is an interesting question Robert!

Cris, Robert,

There was an article on that very subject in a mag last year.  Can't 
find it in QST archives so maybe I saw it in someone's CQ mag.  Any 
CQ mag subscribers remember it?

73 Chris, G3SVL

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