[UK-CONTEST] cqwwwpx

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Sat May 28 03:25:48 PDT 2011

Interleaving QSOs on different bands is what the SO2R technique is all 

By extension that same technique - assuming suitable engineering - could 
be used on the same band.

So what is the problem between the same band and different bands? Still 
takes up same amount of bandwidth be it one or two bands.

The same argument surely applies to M1 as this is the same technique 
just applied to the same band. Especially as often the rules about band 
changes limit the two band technique but do not apply to a 2 channel 
same band technique.

MM (and M2?) may be a different story as could have more than one TX 
transmitting at the same time on the same band.

I must get my thinking hat on and work out what needs to be done to my 
SO2R set up so I can use 2 channels on 80m when the upper bands are 
closed. A lot of acres, another tower, within band filtering and a lot 
of very thick coax - my pocket is not deep enough. Although for CC QRP 
technically do-able and at the moment within the rules - QRM is bad 
enough on SSB without using this technique.

73 David G3YYD

On 28/05/2011 09:30, Dave Lawley wrote:
> Interleaving QSOs can be great fun - Andy and I made much use of this
> technique in WRTC, and practised beforehand in WPX and NFD (checklog
> only). However, we were not set up to interleave on the same band.
> The Russians have been doing this for a few years and have become very
> proficient at it. I have listened to them in some contests and have not
> heard their two run stations on a band ever break the single transmitted
> signal rule, clearly they use an effective interlock. I have great
> respect for them in identifying an effective and new technique, which as
> I said is great fun!
> However, not only is this a 'game changer' which effectively pushes the
> multi-single category even further away from the common-sense meaning of
> those words, but it could come close to doubling band occupancy! During
> major contests 40m and 20m are already stuffed to overflowing, and I do
> not think we could tolerate a situation where all the big multi-multi,
> multi-two and multi-single entrants routinely occupied two run
> frequencies. It is for this reason that I believe consideration is being
> given to banning it in the CQ WW contests and I feel that other major
> contest organisers should follow suit.
> 73, Dave G4BUO
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