Simon Pearson simon at attenuate.org
Thu Nov 24 01:11:51 PST 2011

Hi all,

I would normally be gearing up for joining the team at G6PZ for CQWW,
but unfortunately Paul is on a 5-week cruise and therefore G6PZ will
not be QRV this year.

As a result, I am without anywhere to operate and realise I will long
regret it if I miss this coming weekend! I appreciate it's *very* last
minute, but is there anyone out there who would be willing to either
let me join some sort of multi-op team or do a SOSB/10 (or single-band
15m) please?

Any offers would be very welcomed - if you can help, please contact me
directly, off-list.

Many thanks and 73,

Simon, M0CLW

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