[UK-CONTEST] 21/28MHz Contest

Ken Chandler g0orh at sky.com
Wed Oct 5 00:57:09 PDT 2011

Andy et al
I'm thinking exact same thing,  lots of NA callers giving serial 001. Even JA on 10m was 001.
239 qso's with a couple of dupes.
Good runs of JA, and even KH6 on 15m.
Lots of UA9's.
10.5 hrs, and time off for Sunday dinner, lawn mowing etc.
Still one of my favorite events, and I would want it on the calendar next year.

But should it fail.... Perhaps ask BARTG to take it on as an RTTY event and count for the HF champs!!!!


Sent from my iPhone


On 4 Oct 2011, at 21:04, Andy Summers <g4kno.mail at gmail.com> wrote:

> Band      Q     M
> 21MHz:    42    12
> 28MHz:    12    11
> Total:    54    23
> More of a serious effort this year. Did the full painfully slow 12 
> hours. I'm sure some might suggest I go mixed mode, but I'm a long time 
> supporter of this contest specifically because I can run SSB in a 
> restricted section - which better suits mine and my station's abilities.
> Thank goodness for the Russians! Despite better conditions in this 
> contest than I can remember for some time, they must have made up 90% of 
> the stations running - that I could hear anyway. I could hear 9J2BO 
> rag-chewing down the bottom of 15m, so he must have given it a miss this 
> year. My own CQ's generally were fruitless, but did bag a few. Most of 
> the time was spent persuading stations not in the contest to give me a 
> serial number. I am a bit worried whether the adjudicator will believe 
> that many 001 serials! Indeed I worked one station who gave me 001 and 
> straight after worked another G and gave him 001 too!
> The antenna was the same as last year - a fan of 1/4-wave verticals, 
> ground-mounted on a common feed and radial system. I'd put some more 
> effort into the radials this past year and this does seem to have 
> helped. Generally I could work all I could hear - the problem being that 
> I couldn't hear what others were obviously hearing! Nonetheless, I never 
> cease to be amazed by what can be worked with such a simple setup - 
> YF1AR an example on 10m. I was also really lucky to work ZS1AFS on 15m 
> towards the end of the contest when he decided to stop going for WAS and 
> turn the beam towards blighty.
> I did a lot better this year, but I can't compete with a Guernsey prefix!
> 73 Andy G4KNO.
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