[UK-CONTEST] Scandinavian Activity Contest: Heat up the Polar Battle!

Kim Östman kim.ostman at tut.fi
Thu Sep 1 09:28:02 PDT 2011

The Nordic Radio Amateur Union invites you 
to the 53rd Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC), 
taking place as follows:

CW: 17-18 September, 12 UTC - 12 UTC
SSB: 8-9 October, 12 UTC - 12 UTC

Full rules, national records, a searchable score 
database, and links to propagation services 
for pre-contest planning are available at 

You will be pleased to know that a new Single 
Operator Assisted category for non-Scandinavians 
has been added to the rules. Exceptional efforts
have also taken place this year to mobilize as 
many Scandinavian hams as possible, filling the 
bands with stations for you to work. Keep an eye 
out for the upcoming issue of Contest Club Finland's 
PileUP!, containing extensive pre-contest coverage.

The organizers aim at serving you the final results 
within one week from the log submission deadline. 

Spread the word, put on your rig and break your 
national record. Put simply, come and heat up 
the Polar Battle!


On behalf of the SAC 2011 organization,
Kim OH6KZP (oh6kzp at sral.fi)

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