[UK-CONTEST] 144MHz Trophy - lack of UK activity

Stewart GM4AFF stewart at gm4aff.net
Wed Sep 7 03:43:50 PDT 2011

UK activity in the 144MHz Trophy last weekend was very low. Yet activity
last night in the 144MHz UKAC was very high. So there are a large number of
people who are interested in 144MHz contesting.  I believe this is because a
lot of contesters are being sucked into operating or helping out with their
local club's SSB Field Day entry,  and therefore not taking part in the
144MHZ Trophy. This is evidenced by the lack of reports for the Trophy on
this list. It's a pity because the 144MHz Trophy is a major annual event,
with huge central Eu support. SSB Field Day seems to be gaining in
popularity, relatively speaking. One can do quite well in SSB Field Day with
relatively little effort, whereas a 144MHz Trophy entry requires
considerable effort for a serious portable entry, which is a shame when
there's less people to work every year.

I realise that there are clubs who combine both events. I don't have a
solution - just thinking out loud. It is true that the SSB Field Day event
is a better draw for clubs, and those who are new to the hobby. I just
happen to like the Trophy event and as my main Trophy customers are UK
stations, I'm losing out! It would be nice to run DL's all day on 2m, but
it's not going to happen in IO86!






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