Paul Dumpleton paulm0xdx at tesco.net
Wed Sep 7 03:55:26 PDT 2011

A few years back my son M0NCG and I ran a month-long contest for Eagle Radio Group members to encourage more HF activity in our area.
The idea was to see who could work the most DXCC entities, with extra points for low power contacts to encourage M3's and 2E0's
It was very successful with quite a few entrants for a small club.
Unfortunately some of the logs received were complete fiction with one G0 claiming to have worked DXpeditions that had finished 5 years earlier, SK stations, made up callsigns etc. He even claimed to have had a run of fantastic DX come back to a CQ on 14.195MHz with a G5RV ! His log certainly gave us a really good laugh though.
Luckily he didn't win the contest
It was a good way of encouraging members to get on HF and actually work people, and  a bit of competition between members livened the bands up here for a while!

73 Paul M0XDX

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