[UK-CONTEST] Subject: Re: Changes to EU Sprints

Peter Burden peter.burden at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 13:41:20 PDT 2011

I've only just re-started VHF contesting (in a small way) after
many years inactivity. This is an interesting idea. Some points
from the VHF point of view.

1. Full log publication would give a good insight into activity and
    encourage people to look for stations in areas where they didn't
    think there was any activity.
2. Of course, don't publish full logs until after adjudication or final
    submission date.
3. Consider fixed stations who are, for whatever reason, "particulars
    withheld", publishing the full locator may be seen as a big clue as to their
4. The full logs mean that everybody, not just the big guns, can have
a database of
    calls and locations and "rectify" any location transcription
    errors. [Used to do this in the 1970's].
5. Make the copyright position clear.

On 29 September 2011 19:33, Steve GW4BLE <steve.gw4ble at btconnect.com> wrote:
> Re:  make the ubn reports 'open as well as the logs.
> Yes, agreed absolutely Brian! Across the board for ALL  contests.
> Steve
> Sent from my iPhone
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