[UK-CONTEST] ON4KST - minimum bandwidth requirements

Peter Day microwaves at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 10 07:01:35 PDT 2012

On 10/04/2012 13:13, Darren G0TSM wrote:

> Have you tried the KST2ME telnet client? It's designed to be light.
> 73 Darren G0TSM

I very much agree with Darren in this. I've been using the telnet
version of the software for some years now and it's much more economical
when using mobile internet. Typical downloads over 24 hours or so will 
be 1MB or so whereas if you use an internet browser to access KST you 
could download a meg in a few seconds! It's also important to switch off 
all automatic internet updates, including your Windows and antivirus 
updates as Murphy's Law says they'll activate sometime during your time 
on line.

Not sure what you intend to use for internet access while /P/ I use a 
Vodafone dongle which came with 1GB (£15) of download capability before 
the money ran out. I've had it over three years and there's still about 
£10 left in it!  I believe T Mobile still offer unlimited download for 
£2 a day so if left on overnight in contests it will cost you £4 for the 
weekend... not too bad.

I use it some 6-8 times a year including single day microwave contests, 
and VHF NFD (for 23cm liaison). If we enter the Open/Assisted sections 
of other portable contests I also have it on then.


Peter G3PHO

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