Colin colin at gm0rlz.entadsl.com
Fri Apr 13 06:03:00 PDT 2012


Can someone confirm that the flawed IOTA rule changes are going to remain unchanged 
and no MM category is going to be introduced?

The reason I am asking is that the GM7V team will be discussing IOTA plans tomorrow at the 
GMDX convention. As it stands there is little enthusiasm for a M2 "Crippled" operation.

Can anyone give me a good reason why a MM island section cannot be introduced?

MM would increase the likelihood of the average amateur working IOTA island refs is that not 
the whole point of the contest/ IOTA programme? 

Are the other anomalies the rule changes throw up being looked at?

I personally think the rule changes will have a direct impact on the number of island stations 
using CW as mults are no longer King and Rate will have a greater bearing on the outcome.

In Band mult hunting technology and auto switching / tuning amplifiers enabling single 
contact multipliers with constant band hopping, is the only way forward under the current 
rules, this will limit any technological or operating advancement. It will make operators slaves 
to Skimmer and DX cluster for mults.

A multi op category is the only sensible option given the spiralling costs of getting to many 
Islands and the need to share the burden with a larger team. There is no point putting all the 
hard work of getting there building a station then to find you many only get a couple of hours 
operating over the whole 24 hours under M2 Crippled

Seems to be a lot of very bad decisions being made by contest organisers and committees at 
the moment!

I cannot help make the observation that the individuals running contests in the UK are more 
keen to impose their interpretation of the rules, rather than listen to opinion and wishes of the 
greater contest community. Chris' GM3WOJ, Jim GM0NAI and others comments have gone 
completey unanswered!

The outcome of these punitive rule changes will be less CW activity from Island multi ops, 
more reliance on cluster/skimmer to put the mults in the bag rather than operator skill and the 
likelihood long established groups who keep activating islands year on year, not bothering to 
take part.

73 Colin GM0RLZ

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