[UK-CONTEST] NFD and DARC Field Days

Derek Thom g3nks at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Apr 14 09:07:14 PDT 2012

I was originally in favour of the new NFD Rules but having thought further I 
really don't like the demise of the old-style Restricted Section.

One great advantage of the Restricted Section as it had been for many years 
was that success depended largely on the skill of the operators, not on how 
much wire and aluminium could be erected, nor on how much fancy, clever, 
technology could be utilised.  This was one of the great attractions of the 
Restricted Section.  There has always been the Open Section for those who 
want to use large aerials systems and additional equipment.  I would not 
wish to deny those who want to utilise modern technology the opportunity to 
do so; one of the attractions of amateur radio is the ability to pick up and 
use the latest technology and so advance our knowledge and skills. So I'm 
not against change.  However I shall miss the basic Restricted Section.

Judging by comments made here and elsewhere it seems that there is still 
support for a basic Restricted Section - ie one antenna and one transceiver 
and no fancy additional technology.  There are other considerations too for 
clubs and groups, such as the availability of effort to erect more than one 
simple aerial and the added complexity of a station with two transceivers 
etc.   Hence I wish to argue for the re-introduction of a basic Restricted 
Section for those of us who want to be able to pit our operating skills 
against others in a similar position, and not be burdened by over-complex 
equipment and elaborate aerials systems. Yes, I am one of the "old guard" 
(having taken part in nearly every NFD since 1957) but from what I have 
heard and read I believe there to be some considerable support for this.

Given that much of the cross-checking of logs and adjudication is carried 
out by clever software (and I'm all for that!) it can't be that onerous to 
add another section.  So please can we have back the old-style Restricted 
Section along side the new-style Restricted Section.  I, and I'm sure many 
others, would applaud such a decision.  Too late though for this year I 

Contest Committee please note!

Derek G3NKS
Former member of HF Contests Committee

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