[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Results -- 1st 1.8MHz Contest

Stewart Bryant stewart at g3ysx.org.uk
Tue Apr 17 06:45:01 PDT 2012

On 17/04/2012 12:12, Clive GM3POI wrote:
> I think most may have noticed that in this contest a total of FIVE entrants
> were in the Mixed mode. Hardly an endorsement of having SSB in these
> contests, another wrong decision in my view.
> 73 Clive GM3POI

Thing is that it seems that you can only win in the mixed mode, since
if you go single mode you miss a number of contacts and a number
of bonuses.

I think that the contest would be better as two separate contests
a CW and an SSB. SSB would probably get more support if it were
not concurrent with the CW, but please can SSB remain concurrent with
the NL contest as a lot of stations worked were there because of
the NL contest.


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