[UK-CONTEST] Penalties etc

Geoff Dover G4AFJ geoffrey at geoffg4afj.plus.com
Wed Apr 18 09:01:59 PDT 2012

Ref the following scenario:

Did anyone else lose points from QSOs with G4ADV?

Both myself (G3TBK/P) and Chris G3SJJ/P had him logged as G4ADV/P.

When he called us he sent "G4ADV Portable". When giving our report he 
said "G4ADV". He was then asked to confirm he was portable and he did 
confirm that he was!
All clear on our recording.

Taking the above as an example it would seem clear to me that as part of the
adjudication process G4ADV and his qso partners could be losing lots of
points. On the other hand G3TBK and G3SJJ would not have lost points and
presumably because of their wariness/experience/skill they wouldn't be
losing many points in this way therefore it should be relatively clear who
is causing the errors and which station should have points deducted. If it's
3 points per QSO perhaps -1 for lack of /P. If miscopy of call e.g. G4AFJ
instead of G4ADV no points.

But then SCP comes into this too. Is it cheating to use scp? Is it cheating
to use your experience after the contest to correct the log? How many looked
at their logs afterwards and noted G4ADV & thought "bound to be portable as
a club call" and amended to G4ADV/P. Perhaps entrants should have to submit
their raw log within say 10 hours of the end of the contest to avoid
"sanitising" of the log or should I say too much sanitising of the log? Not
sure whether all logging progs have the audit log like SD? If so the audit
log should be the log that goes in and it then comes down to whether you had
the call correct or exchange correct at the end of the contest. i.e. no
amendments allowed unless done during the course of the contest!


Geoff Dover, G4AFJ,
31 Newbold Road,
Kirkby Mallory,
LE9 7QG,

Tel:        44 (0)1455 823344
Fax:       44 (0)1455 828273
Mob:    44 (0)779 649 2146
E-mail:  geoffrey at geoffg4afj.plus.com

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