[UK-CONTEST] What I don't like about CW Contests

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Aug 1 02:43:23 PDT 2012

I don't like stations who don't send DE before their
call.  DE lets me know their call is coming next.

I don't like stations who don't send K after the
exchange.  K lets me know it's my turn to transmit.

I don't like exchanges with no 5NN.  How am I
supposed to know when the exchange starts?

I don't like stations who send too fast.  It's
inconsiderate and bad practice.

I don't like stations who send too slow.  If they
can't keep up, what are they doing in a contest?

I don't like stations who speed up 5NN, or send it
as ENN.  Why can't they give real reports?  Anyway,
I don't like reports.

I don't like stations who skip leading zeros.
It ruins the rhythm of the exchange.

I don't like cut numbers, except when I use them.

I don't like stations who send my call.  I know
who I am.

I don't like stations who don't ID often enough.
Why should I have to wait?

I don't like stations using the internet - isn't
it an amateur radio contest?

I don't like stations who repeat the exchange.
If I need a repeat, I'll ask.

I don't like stations who send my name, or QSL,
or CFM, or 73 - don't they know it's a contest?

I don't like stations using decoders.  It's a
CW contest, not a data contest.

I don't like contests with redundant exchanges.

I don't like contests with serials - it's hard
enough to read the calls off the cluster.

I don't like contest calls - they're unfair.

I don't like stations who break rules, they
should all be disqualified.

Once I'm in charge, there will be changes.

Paul EI5DI

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