Roger Cooke g3ldi at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 29 05:00:45 EDT 2012

It's also due to the present day approach to the hobby being adopted world-wide. Morse tests have 
been abolished in a lot of countries and it is very difficult to motivate some of the newbies onto the
mode.  We have done well in that respect in Norfolk, but only due to the persistence of obstinate old
timers like us G3s. We have three GB2CW training sessions a week on two metres, a class at the club
and we just had a CW day where 8 students took part in a complete day.  I have just organised a Morse
Boot Camp too. This is two weeks in November, 6 hours per day for five days a week. Surprisingly I
already have nine booked in!  Now we are either going to get some good CW ops at the end of those
two weeks, or the local asylum will be having some new inmates!!
   Try setting up a GB2CW training scheme in YOUR area, persist at your club and you will find that
gradually the situation will improve.

  I agree it does look depressing, especially going back to the 50s and 60s when I can remember a 
whole A4 sheet, packed with G portable stations. In fact NFD was the major event of the year in most
clubs.  I did try to find history of those early contests, but cannot trace any so if anybody knows of the
existence of some of those early contests, I would be interested. 

   Some of the rule changes do discourage some people but technology changes and we have to be aware
of that and cater for it. We can't just ignore it, although it would be nice to see an NFD run with proper
CW operating using keys and proper logs and loggers once again. Perhaps we could also restrict it to
home brew transmitters and no more than ten watts too!   

   The royal celebrations did take a hit this year however and I think it might improve next year.


Regards from Roger, G3LDI, RSGB GB2CW coordinator
Swardeston, Norfolk.

> From: QUENTIN COLLIER <q.g.collier at btinternet.com>
>To: UK-Contest <uk-contest at contesting.com> 
>Sent: Wednesday, 29 August 2012, 8:16
>You're right Keith, it is depressing. I also remember the days of 100+ entries: basically numbers have been dropping slowly for the last decade or so, although the decline appeared to be levelling out. The Contest Committee believe that this is largely due to the ageing amateur population - but despite taking active measures to promote the event (eg. amongst new clubs taking part in the 80m CCs) there is not a lot that can be done about the passage of the years!
>There are 2 main reasons for the big drop in 2012 (38 entries compared with, from memory, 55 in 2010). The first is the issue over rule changes referred to by Stewart G3YSX: the second is the unfortunate clash with the Jubilee celebrations, which I know for sure prevented some of the regulars from taking part. The CC are taking measures to ensure that we avoid the problems with rule changes for 2013, and as far as I am aware there are no plans for a 71 year Jubilee - so hopefully we will see numbers back up in 2013.
>Quin G3WRR
>From: Keith Maton <g6nhu at me.com>
>To: UK-Contest <uk-contest at contesting.com> 
>Sent: Tuesday, 28 August 2012, 22:00
>Wow!  That's not many entries.  I'm quite shocked.
>I remember NFD from years ago when I was a lad and used to help set up at the Harlow club, G6UT and I'm sure there were many more entries then.
>Isn't NFD supposed to be the RSGB flagship contest of the year?
>Keith, G6NHU
>On 28 Aug 2012, at 09:33, QUENTIN COLLIER <q.g.collier at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Please note that the HF NFD results are now published on the Contest Committee website at the following URL:
>> http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/hfresults.pl?Contest=NFD&year=2012
>> 73,
>> Quin G3WRR
>> for RSGB Contest Committee 
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