[UK-CONTEST] PL259 connectors...

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Feb 4 06:32:32 PST 2012

Reg wrote:
>I would not use petrolume jelly. I would use vulcanise tape and denso.

There are two types of "Denso" tape, though. One is the greeny-brown 
stuff that used to be called Sylglas - completely waterproof but 
horrible to use.

The other is dead black, looks like a very thick PVC tape with a 
non-stick interleaving sheet, but is actually mouldable like putty. This 
is the best I've ever used - totally waterproof, sticks instantly to 
itself and to PVC, bare metal and many other surfaces, but does not 
stick to your hands. This too is made by Denso, but it only seems to be 
commercially available as an aluminium backed flashing tape.

The same material is also available as an accessory for Andrew cables, 
eg as part of a ground clamp mounting kit where it is used to seal over 
where the jacket has been cut away.

This mouldable black tape is absolutely not to be confused with 
Coax-Seal, which is a different and very inferior product (and also very 

>As for pl259 on hf they are fine. As long as others have said you buy 
>decent ones. The larger centre pins on pl259s. Make them better to take 
>high power. For all of you running 1.5kw from your amps as you cant 
>afford decent feeder cable! I did once see the result of running a good 
>amount of power into an n type with a mismatch. It was a charred lump.
The type N coaxial fuse. If everything is perfect, they will handle as 
much as 1.5kW at 70cm... but that is a very big "if".

GL with the snow. Over here on the Wet Coast it's just normal heavy 


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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