[UK-CONTEST] U.K. contesting in 2012

G4FNL g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk
Sun Feb 5 13:44:59 PST 2012

Hi Chris

Yes - I agree. 

Some years back I was grateful to be invited to two contest sites: G4ANT and
GW8GT. We took part in the CQWW contests. Unfortunately, I think both groups
are sadly QRT. Currently, there are a few brave souls who open up their
shacks for others to operate (G6PZ for example) and thank goodness Paul does
or the contest scene may be even worse.

My local club is probably typical of others that exist. It has something
like 50 - 70 members. Of those, approx 5 are active on the HF bands. To try
and encourage a few to take part in the contest environment, and over the
course of a year, on approx ten occasions last year I offered a seat either
to take part in one of the RSGB 80m short contests, with me alongside, or to
go it alone, and to use the station that I use. This would be just a taster
session. Now, how many people do you think I had queuing to have a go?
That's right - absolutely zero. Of course it could be that I use the wrong
soap, but I was surprised at this result. So, unfortunately, I have given up
asking at that club any more - but if there is anyone on this reflector that
would care to come along one eve - let me know.

Then perhaps we could get a proper Multi-Multi station going - but somehow I
doubt it  ;>)

BTW, there will be another G log to be sent off for CQ160 later this

73 Graham G4FNL

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Chris Tran GM3WOJ
Sent: 05 February 2012 18:28
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] U.K. contesting in 2012

Hello UK-contesters

Contesting in the U.K. seems to me to be in a poor state.

If we take the recent CQ 160 CW contest as an example, so far there are only
25 U.K. entries, of which 18 are from G. Contrast this with 132 entries from
Germany. The population of Germany is approximatedly 25% higher than that of
the U.K. (82M vs 62M)

You will correctly point out that 160m is a difficult band to have an
effective antenna, conditions were mediocre for this event, there are many
U.K. amateurs who suffer planning regulations, TVI, BCI, QRN etc - all these
are factors but there is an underlying problem.

It seems to me that the current RSGB contests (CCs, AFS) are reasonably well
supported, but the current HF Championship and AFS Super League rules do
nothing to encourage AFS/CC entrants to participate in major international
events (except for the IOTA contest)

Unfortunately, it also appears (I may be wrong) as if the RSGB Contest
Committee are making decisions in isolation, without full discussion about
the implications of rule changes.

Lastly, there does seem to be a negative attitude to 'contest clubs' here in
the U.K. - in marked contrast to Germany where they are actively encouraged.


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