[UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges

Malcolm Bryan malcolm.bryan at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 1 09:01:01 PST 2012

Hi Bob
Yes I completely agree. People seem to forget that a bigger antenna gives
you gain on receive as well. Increasing your power does not. There are also
plenty of reasons for running 50W rather than 100W especially if you are

Notwithstanding the differences of height asl and surrounding scenery which
will always remain outside the scope of any rules, you have the following
situation for a selection of stations.

Tx gains quoted relative to 100W 10 ele (approx I agree)

Pwr     Ant     tx gain    rx gain  sec
 10W   10 ele   -10dB    0dB      AL
 50W   10 ele    -3dB     0dB     AR
100W  10 ele     0dB     0dB     AR
400W  10 ele    +6dB    0dB     AO

10W    20 ele    -7dB    +3dB    AL
 50W   20 ele     0dB    +3dB    AR
100W  20 ele    +3dB   +3dB    AR
400W  20 ele    +9dB   +3dB    AO

 10W   2x10 ele -7dB   +3dB    AX
 50W   2x10 ele 0dB    +3dB    AX
100W  2x10 ele +3dB  +3dB    AX
400W  2x10 ele +9dB  +3dB    AO

If you started from scratch writing a set of rules you would never write
them to get stations into the sections above (I hope) so I suspect much of
the problem is the continuing evolution of the rules.

I dont understand why AO has the lower power limit, if it didnt things
wouldnt be so bad although it has always vexed me that one very long
antenna is allowed in AR but a stacked array with identical gain has to go
into AO!


On 1 January 2012 16:21, Rob Harrison <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk>wrote:

> Hi Malcolm,
> I see the reasoning and that's fine, so why doesn't multi-antenna/lower
> power situation get consideration. I'm in a minority but so is the other
> situation. one gets the ok, one doesn't.
> I've supported these contests continually, from their original beginings
> as the Cumulatives way back, and last year after the changes. But I'm
> finding it hard to find the will to continue that support for 2012.
> 73 Bob
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Malcolm Bryan" <
> malcolm.bryan at googlemail.com>
> To: "UK Contest List" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 4:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges
>  Hi Bob
>> My guess is there are very few with multiple fixed antennas but no
>> rotator.
>> Most likely I would think is a fixed horizontal beam (in the loft) and a
>> vertical for FM.
>> As it happens I run this sort of setup at the French QTH. I live in a
>> valley on a north facing slope. My only sensible VHF takeoff is NE so I
>> have a 4 ele in the loft beamed that way which allows me to work ON, PA
>> etc. I also have a 4 ele on 313 deg pointing at UK but with a ridge 50m
>> higher than me in the way. The 4 ele is wide enough to cover the UK
>> without
>> rotating.
>> However, there is no need to use the NE antenna in UKACs as I get no
>> points
>> for working non UK stations !!!! I also have a omni directional vertical
>> for working FM mobiles
>> My guess is this is a relatively unusual set of circumstances and is the
>> main reason I generally do UKACs from the portable location on top of the
>> ridge. However, I support the changes if it gets other people on.
>> 73
>> Malcolm
>> G8MCA / F1VNR
>> On 1 January 2012 15:49, Rob Harrison <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.**
>> co.uk <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk>>wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> Bob doesn't prefer to run 50w into 2x15, it's my surrounding
>>> circumstances
>>> and it's my day to day set-up, unlike some I don't change my antennas
>>> every
>>> week to suit contests. I "chose " AX as I couldn't enter AR, a more
>>> appropriate section for my ERP.
>>> At least I've got some support from Tony and Malcolm, re multi-antennas
>>> and lower power. I think more debate is needed to sort this one out, and
>>> to
>>> come up with workable solutions to the objections to ERP that CC will run
>>> with.
>>> As for the thinking behind multiple fixed antennas at  a home location,
>>> is
>>> anyone actually doing this, or know anyone who is?
>>> Bob G8HGN
>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>>  From: Ray James
>>>  To: Tony Collett ; Rob Harrison ; uk-contests
>>>  Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 3:14 PM
>>>  Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges
>>>  Hi Tony,
>>>  Just checked Bob's set up and see it's 2x15el phased not two separate
>>> rotatable systems.
>>>  Right, that continues to place him in the AO or AX section as he chose
>>> last year.
>>>  Therefore it has nothing to do with my suggestion for the AR section.
>>>  The fact Bob prefers to run with an antenna system apt for AO but a
>>> power
>>> level applicable to AR is his choice.
>>>  Looking forward to lots of contacts with you in 2012 Tony.
>>>  HNY.
>>>  73 Ray GM4CXM
>>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>> ------------------
>>>  From: Tony Collett <tony.nbs at btinternet.com>
>>>  To: Rob Harrison <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.**co.uk<robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk>>;
>>> uk-contests <
>>> uk-contest at contesting.com>; Ray James <gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk>
>>>  Sent: Sunday, 1 January 2012, 14:32
>>>  Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges
>>>  I see the minefield has been opened!
>>>  The wording desperately needs clarifying, but to what?
>>>  Bob's problem is exactly as per your last paragraph Ray - less than 100W
>>> but using 2 phased (stacked) aerials. Not enough power to be competetive
>>> in
>>> AO, can't enter AR even under the new rules so has to be AX.
>>>  When coming back on 23 I had to bin my 4*23ele system in favour of a
>>> single 55ele so I could enter AR with my 25W, I'm sure others have done
>>> similar things with power and/or aerial changes.
>>>  The basic idea is a good one, just needs a bit more thought put to how
>>> best to implement it. Personally I think a maximum number of aerials
>>> allowed needs setting if you want average home stations to be able to
>>> compete against those living in large real estates or /P.
>>>  Look forward to working you all in 2012
>>>  73
>>>  Tony G4NBS
>>>  --- On Sun, 1/1/12, Ray James <gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>  From: Ray James <gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk>
>>>  Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges
>>>  To: "Rob Harrison" <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.**co.uk<robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk>>,
>>> "uk-contests" <
>>> uk-contest at contesting.com>
>>>  Date: Sunday, 1 January, 2012, 14:14
>>>  Hi Bob,
>>>  I thought what I wrote was pretty clear. Obviously not!
>>>  "Restricted" and "Low Power" no more than 100w/no more than 10w and
>>>  "Only one horizontal or vertically polarised fixed or rotatable antenna
>>>  may be used at any one time".
>>>  Running less than 100w and more than 10w would put you in the AR section
>>> as long as you're only using one of your 2 single antenna rotatable
>>> systems
>>> at any given time.
>>>  It would be unusual to be two horizontal rotatable single horizontal
>>> yagis so lets assume its a 12el horizontal and you also have an 8el
>>> vertically polarised antenna on another support.
>>>  In your case I am suggesting switching between both rotary systems would
>>> permitted. Simple. Same for someone with a horizontal yagi and a
>>> colinear,
>>> simple and a typical VHF/UHF station arrangement.
>>>  What is not typical and probably very rare indeed is someone with
>>> multiple fixed yagis as per the current wording. I'm suggesting
>>> simplifying
>>> it to a typical amateur antenna set up.
>>>  The important point for AR is you are only using ONE antenna at any
>>> given
>>> time, otherwise you'd be in the AO section if for example you were
>>> splitting power to another antenna.
>>>  73 HNY Ray GM4CXM
>>>  ______________________________**__
>>>  From: Rob Harrison <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.**co.uk<robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk>
>>> >
>>>  To: uk-contests <uk-contest at contesting.com>
>>>  Sent: Sunday, 1 January 2012, 12:03
>>>  Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges
>>>  "Open" is very straightforward, over 100w up to 400w and no antenna
>>> restrictions.
>>>  "Restricted" and "Low Power" no more than 100w/no more than 10w and
>>> "Only
>>> one horizontal or vertically polarised fixed or rotatable antenna may be
>>> used at any one time".
>>>  Ok so where does that leave myself and a few others who have 2 rotatable
>>> antennas by run less than 100W per band.
>>>  Can't do AO not enough TX power, can't do AR too many antennas, can't do
>>> AL too much power. So AX is forced on us.
>>>  If you can alter the rules to accomodate those with beams and verticals,
>>> surely a small tweak could accomodate us. Two beams and 50W is on a par
>>> with one beam and 100W I would think.
>>>  Why not grasp the nettle and go for ERP sections? Don't say you can't
>>> police it, most people are honest and would put down what they are using,
>>> you can't police most of the rules anyway, as has been said many times on
>>> here, and by CC members.
>>>  73 Bob G8HGN
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