[UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges

Chris G4FZN ukcontest at mailbox01.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Jan 1 11:01:11 PST 2012

Like Malcolm, I also find the requirement that you MUST run more than 100w
in order to enter the Open section difficult to comprehend.

For most 144MHz UKACs, I've entered the Open section from a portable site,
and take my trusty Kawasaki 1kVa generator with me, which provides enough
power for me to run my TS2000 on lower power, driving the home brew LDMosfet
PA to about 350w. OK so far?

But, on the 1st Tuesday in February this year, I will be in the Midlands
(due to work commitments), and had planned to enter using my FT817 with a
25w PA - all running off the car's own battery. (As I did in from a /P site
in France in February last year).

The TS2000's audio goes somewhat iffy, when set to full power with only 12v
instead of 13.8. So, I would normally only run it up to 80w if not using the

This new rule means that, if I enter in February, my entry will be forced
into the Restricted section for that month only if I can't muster up 100w.
It's my problem, I know, and I'll work around it!

Finally, I do thank all the RSGBCC volunteers for their work in adjudicating
etc. and wish all on the group a Happy New Year!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:uk-contest-
> bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Malcolm Bryan
> Sent: 01 January 2012 17:01
> To: UK Contest List
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges
> I dont understand why AO has the lower power limit, 

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