[UK-CONTEST] Aircraft Reflection Path Plot (off topic)

Rob Harrison robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Jan 11 04:49:28 PST 2012

Hi Ken,

Your observations are right. I firmly beleive most of our tropo' contacts 
are actually via AS. It was noticable when the volcano erupted and many a/c 
were grounded, it conicided with a UKAC I think.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Eastty" <ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Aircraft Reflection Path Plot (off topic)

> Web based 'radars' derive their data from receivers like the SBS units and
> as I understand it Mode S transponders don't transmit position data, only 
> does this.
> Apparently only about 75% of airliners are fitted with mode B transponders
> (plus very few small aircraft&  helicopters flying to N.Sea Oil Rigs).
> Therefore it's not always evident what's responsible for the reception of 
> some DX signals
> when there's no tropo enhancement.
> Many observations of 'ANG from here seem to indicate that the signal is 
> stronger when there's
> a 'cloud' of airliners over the Lancashire coast as opposed to a single 
> aircraft the actual path
> mid-point. I guess that lots of curved reflectors work better than a 
> single surface but a
> Concorde might have worked better(if only). The orientation of the 
> aircraft appears to make little difference.
> If (when) Eyjafjallajokulleruptsagaincausing another grounding fiasco
> and that coincides with a VHF contest I would expect to see best DX worked
> being much reduced unless there happens to be a good tropo opening at the 
> same time!
> Wouldn't Watson-Watt have enjoyed playing with these toys?
> 73...
> Ken
> Your SBS will plot aircraft that FR24 won't see, for various reasons. A 
> lot
> of the propjets and small twin airliners, plus lots of executive and light
> don't have Mode B (broadcast) and the web based radars don't see them. So
> it'll be a little while before your box is redundant.
> FR24 is fine for AS contacts as it generally see 99% of the big jets.
> Bob G8HGN
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