[UK-CONTEST] QRP Practice during the contest ?

Roger Western g3sxw at btinternet.com
Wed Jan 18 14:40:02 PST 2012

Any DXpeditioner will tell you that it is common to hear "***/QRP ***/QRP" - 
if only they had sent the call-sign without the /QRP it would have been 
copied! Instead they lost the chance of a QSO.

I also rather resent their presumption that indicating QRP somehow demands 
that I give them priority over everyone else. Many DXpedition operators can 
and do pick out weak callers from the pile-up - if the frequency has been 
precisely positioned to be in the clear. 400 watts into a half-size G5RV at 
ten feet may be the same as 5 watts into a high beam: if you're weak it's 
your operating skill that gets you through, not some crutch.
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Keith Maton
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:08 PM
To: UK Contesting
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] QRP Practice during the contest ?

For what it's worth, I don't think you should ever use /QRP.

It's not a valid suffix.

Keith, G6NHU

On 18 Jan 2012, at 20:40, Artur Topczewski wrote:

> Good evening all,
> I'd like to ask about something what happened to me during the contest 
> recently and get to know your point or what's the common practice /which 
> it looks like I am not aware of if this is a case/ ?...
> I called someone being QRP. Obviously I broke my call with /QRP and the 
> chap sent back only my call-sign with the raport. I did highlight twice 
> /QRP but he came back to me again with only M/SP3CW CFM TU ...
> So I tried again /QRP and the answer was : M/SP3CW deleted QSO for QRM 
> ?????
> Should I not use /QRP whilst contesting ?
> PS. {MacBook Pro 13,3" for parts WANTED...}
> Regards and HNY 2012 !
> Art M/SP3CW
> +447706949991
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