Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Jan 23 05:19:00 PST 2012

Stewart GM4AFF wrote:
>He was still on the radio up until just before Christmas. It's such a 
>pity he was unable to spend his retirement the way he wanted.
>He'll be sadly missed.
>RIP Alex.

Indeed he will be missed.

Typical of Alex was that, even when he was looking so desperately ill 
and thin, his main concern that <the rest of us> shouldn't be upset by 
that. Throughout it all he simply got on with life, making plans and 
keeping on going forward, and he kept that up until the very end.

We'll be seeing some of you, in the coming days.


73 from Ian GM3SEK
& Nadine MM0WNW

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