Lee Volante g0mtn1 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 04:32:22 PST 2012

Hi all,

I'm not so sure about all of this.  It seems unusual that for the list
of agreed contests, all of the others are for specific events, whereas
the BARTG listing has been *assumed* to refer to multiple contests
that BARTG organise.

Is it not more likely that when the SCC list was drawn up, there was
some confusion not realising there were two significant BARTG HF
events, or their precise names. The name "BARTG RTTY" was likely used
in the SCC documentation with the intent that it referred to a single,
specific event with that name, probably the BARTG HF RTTY event.

I can understand that Chris G8APB wishes to promote BARTG events,
awards etc., and last year said similarly that the *assumption* is
that SCCs are ok to use for multiple events. I'm not aware of any
official word from RSGB or Ofcom to clarify on this matter. You could
stretch the same assumption to use SCCs in the BARTG 75 Baud events,
or indeed another 24 / 48 hours HF Contest that BARTG could instigate
in future.

I would suggest that RSGB CC members reading this clarify with Ofcom,
with the likely outcome that even if only the "BARTG HF RTTY" contest
was originally meant, the BARTG Sprint contest is 'grandfathered in.'
The two events should be specifically mentioned in documentation to
remove future ambiguity.

For the forthcoming contest, even if it's perhaps not strictly
included, perhaps use SCC's anyway. There's a precedence now already,
nothing bad happened to those that used them last year, and there is
already BARTG's blessing.  OFCOM and RSGB have not moved previously on
this, when it has been publicly commented on for years, so it can
hardly be considered urgent for them.  We should remember Alex
GM3ZBE's "It's only a hobby" quote.



On 25 January 2012 08:38, Christopher Plummer <plummerc42 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Jim,
> Ofcom are not specific with regards to BARTG contests, they mention 'BARTG RTTY' in the list of contests where the short callsigns can be used.
> >From BARTGs viewpoint, if you want to use the short call then go ahead, you will not be penalised.

> 73 de Chris G8APB
> BARTG Awards Manager

>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Christopher Plummer [mailto:plummerc42 at hotmail.com]
>> > Sent: 03 March 2011 17:31
>> > To: g0orh at sky.com
>> > Subject: RE: [UK-CONTEST] SCC calls in BARTG sprints
>> >
>> > Ken,
>> >
>> > Looking at the Ofcom and RSGB sites they seem to list only as 'BARTG RTTY',
>> > so I assume the answer is yes.
>> >
>> > Happy hunting , hope to work you in the RTTY contests.
>> >
>> > 73 de Chris G8APB
>> > BARTG Awards Manager
>> >

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