[UK-CONTEST] Parafil rope

Ken ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Mon Jul 16 13:51:29 PDT 2012


A local club of which I was a member used Parafil guys on a P60 tower 
which was kept fully extended for a number of years without any 
problems, I have no idea what the cost was, it was probably the 'end of 
a reel'.

I believe that we used two sets of guys one at the top & one half way 
down, maybe another member has a better memory than me.

The tower supported a 3 ele TB3 Tri-bander as well as beams for 6, 2 & 
70cm. and an 80/40 trap dipole.

Sadly the tower had to come down when we were evicted from the field 
that we occupied to make way for a new building.




> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 14:39:10 +0100
> From: "Kerr, Prof.  K.M." <k.kerr at abdn.ac.uk>
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Non-conducting guy ropes for towers - your
> 	experience	needed!
> To: "'uk-contest at contesting.com'" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<A3317CA649BC8C4998EED327D66A8D95014CC2E03024 at VMAILB.uoa.abdn.ac.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hi  all,
> I need to source some non-conducting rope for the top guy set of a P80.
> Phillystran seems to be the 'standard' but I cannot see any sign of a UK source, only Array Solutions in W5. That is fine but I was hoping for a UK source to assist logistics and maybe cost.
> Does anyone know of a source in the UK?
> Or know of a source of an alternative and have experience of same?
> I heard about stuff called Parafil. But not sure about how it compares to steel in terms of strength etc so it is hard to judge. Parafil website not hugely helpful in that regard. I am in touch with the company but I need hands-on experiences.
> Maybe off-reflector replies would be better, but happy to share what I learn - if anything.
> Many thanks,
> Keith GM4YXI
> k.kerr at abdn.ac.uk

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