[UK-CONTEST] deadline

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sun Jul 22 11:51:25 PDT 2012

Here we go again. I have already missed the 2 hour deadline for my Low 
Power contest logs and will be lucky to meet one day. Paper log to be 
typed up, and not in the mood to do it this evening.

Great day out in the sun in the woods. I commented to G3JRM/P that 
things were very slow - he replied 'Yes, but fun here on the beach'. 
What it should be, none of the rat race pileups of other contests. But 
where were all the stations? Ended up with 64 QSOs with my 3 Watts but 
only 2 QSOs in the last 90 minutes.

73 Dave G3YMC

On 22 Jul 2012 at 11:32, Clive GM3POI wrote:

> Certainly the CC contests should be within one day


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