[UK-CONTEST] IOTA Multi-op rules

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 01:43:36 PDT 2012


Your positive slant on the contest and our efforts is always appreciated.

It seems that a recent back-up of the Contest Cttee website may have led to
an earlier version of the rules being reposted. While I think the wording,
or at least the intention thereof, is clear to most, Ed GW3SQX, is working
to get the correct version (which we agreed with you earlier in the year)
back on the site.

There has NOT been a recent change of the rules.

IOTA Contest Manager (but probably not for much longer!)

On 23 July 2012 07:24, Chris Tran GM3WOJ <gm3woj at christran.net> wrote:

> Hello uk-contesters
> I am taking a break from the IOTA contest this year, partly because of the
> consultation-free, ill-considered mangling of the Multi-op rules.
> Despite my best efforts on and off-reflector to correct things over the
> last
> 4 months, the rules as published today (23rd July) on the website contain a
> seriously-flawed rule 4.2 - the last paragraph definition of what
> constitutes a 'band change' is wrong.
> I do not see how this rule can possibly be changed at this last minute and
> it appears to me that no participants in the IOTA Multi-op section could be
> penalised for what is a badly-worded rule, with a glaring loophole.
> 73
> Chris
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