[UK-CONTEST] microHam U2R

Chris G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 12 06:17:57 PDT 2012

I am looking for clarification on the 9 way D connector pin outs, specifically pins 2 and 7. The pin out schematic shows :

- Pin 2  as PTT and connected to PTT on the Foster 8 plug that plugs in to the Mic socket. Appendix A then shows pin 2 as Label is PTT and description 
as CW Output same as Pin 1.

- Pin 7 is shown as a separate PTTIN connection and there is a reference in the Installation section which says "Connect PTTIN 1 to the PTT out of 
Radio 1." It also adds a note to say this is required for proper audio switching when in VOX operation.

To my thinking, PTT on the mic socket and PTT at the rear of the radio are the same.

Confused of NG. Chris G3SJJ

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