[UK-CONTEST] Stub Masts

Clive GM3POI gm3poi2 at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 3 00:42:39 PST 2012

A good while ago I decided to use Chrome- Moly steel tube for my main stub
mast, it however was expensive, heavy but extremely strong.
It is 2" dia with a 0.5" wall thickness and weighs about 60kg. However it
has survived all sorts of weather including serious wind exceeding 125mph.
73 Clive GM3POI 

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of David Aslin
Sent: 02 March 2012 11:32
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Stub Masts

If the stack is big enough, scaffold tube will bend.  See
http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/antennamastapps.htm or W6NLs Yagi

Aluminium Warehouse does some thick wall (3/8 or ½ inch)  2" and 2.5" OD
6082-T6 tube if you really want to use Al.

Just saying, since staying on the air is important!


David G3WGN






I hope that you've made sure that the wall thickness of the stub mast is
sufficient for the loading. I made the mistake of using thin wall
(1/16"?)tubing (to keep the weight down) for the my stub mast which was
supporting a 2 ele tri-bander&  beams for 4, 2&  70 cm.


A few of winters ago it snapped in a gale leaving all the antennas dangling
on the feeders.

I replaced the lower half with 3/16" aluminium wall tubing, not much fun in
January when there aren't many hours of daylight&  it's cold outside.


Do scaffolding companies still use aluminium tubing or is it all steel these








Message: 7

Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 07:41:06 +0000

From: Ken Chandler<g0orh at sky.com>

Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Stub mast

To: uk-contest at contesting.com

Message-ID:<63F57664-8E04-466F-BE99-A080B5E19001 at sky.com>

Content-Type: text/plain;     charset=us-ascii


Thanks to everyone who responded, Re the stub mast help request.... Its






Ken..G0ORH / M3i













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